
Cellulite is a collection of subdermal fat stores that gives skin that signature ‘orange peel’ texture. Although it’s completely normal (even supermodels get it!) and is in no way harmful to your health, many women wish they didn’t have it. There are several ways you can reduce its appearance and not all of them are expensive surgical solutions. Here’s how to get rid of cellulite naturally.

All athletes sustain injuries at some point, from professional sports people to fitness enthusiasts to people who just play sport to relax. These injuries are often treated with ice to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. In the most basic terms, this is the science that cryotherapy uses and a reason why this particular treatment is so popular among professional and amateur athletes. Here’s how cryotherapy helps with pain management and pain relief.

From harsh weather and UV rays to dirt and pollution in the air, the skin on your face goes through a lot, day after day. And it’s not just the environment either. Chemicals in the food and water we consume and various toiletries we use can also affect our skin. That’s why we need to give it some tender loving care and a cryotherapy facial can be just the thing to help us recover. Here are the hidden benefits of a cryo facial.

Cryotherapy is a treatment which continues to rapidly gain popularity. Its emotional, physiological and cosmetic benefits have made it popular among professional athletes, celebrities and wellness-conscious individuals over the years. Although the practice of using the extreme cold as a treatment dates back to 2500 BC with the Ancient Romans, Greeks and Egyptians, cryotherapy is still going strong to this day.

Cryotherapy is soaring in popularity, but the common assumption about this popular recovery technique is that it only aids users in one particular area. However, the versatility of cryotherapy is often overlooked because the reality is that cryotherapy can have many benefits at once. Here’s what cryotherapy can be used for.